The 'Bandit Bulletin' Archive
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09-01-2015 - New FAF Korea Combat Action Teaser video now posted to Youtube...
I posted this to show the kind of new combat action that will be available in FA Futures Korea. All Naval combat, whether its air or sea based, all Ground based combat, and all Air based combat will be represented. The Electronic Battlefield will be better represented, with all ELIENT equipped aircraft and ground equipment represented in a more realistic manner, with all AWACs and JSTARs functionality available on the ingame map as well as recon assets (TARPS equipped F-14s, U-2s, Global Hawks, and Predators) plus continual intelligence updates ..
08-08-2015 - Development has been completed on the vastly improved T-72, T-80, and T-90 tanks for FAF Korea. The new shapes have highly detailed main cannons and anti-aircraft machine guns, as well as the current highly detailed tank hull and skin file. This final upgrade removes the low detailed tank cannons of the previous versions and keeps the new rotating turrets to give as much realistic ground combat as possible for the simmer to enjoy while flying and fighting in FAF Korea...
To read more click here ...
07-25-2015 - Fighters Anthology alternate opening video now posted to Youtube...
I posted this because the FAF Korea Theater developed for FA Futures will have very realeastic carrier operations with a fully functional Ball(with landing lights) to aid in landing. Plus the deck will have a fully functional deck crew, in the proper color coded uniforms, such as ILS crew to help trap your aircraft aboard, deck crew to direct your aircraft to taxi, park, or proceed to the cats, 2 fully functional deck catapults instead of just one (The second "cat" is cat 3 on the waist), all with full cat crews. Functional blast deflectors that rise into position after you hockup to the catapult, rearming and refueling with proper equipment and crewman, etc. Functional (turning) ship radars, highly detailed skins on the aircraft and the carrier with fully accurate shapes, and functional defense weapons such as CIWS and Sea Sparrow launchers, that engage enemy aircraft within range. Additionally all Amphibious Assault Ships and carriers operated by all sides will be equally detailed and crewed...
06-17-2015 - Work has begun on improving the M-163 Vulcan AAA vehicle to even higher levels of detailing. The hull skin and shape needs vast improvements and details such as hatches and antennas need to be implemented. The new turret with its excellent skin will not have to be changed, other than the cannon needs to be lowered horizontally for a ground engagement version of this vehicle for use in missions where these vehicles engage attacking ground vehicles and troops.
To read more click here ...
05-31-2015 - Fighters Anthology (USNF 97) Vietnam Campaign Video now posted to Youtube...
I posted this because the next Theatre developed for FA Futures after the release of FAF Korea will be an update of the Vietnam Theater from the original Fighters Anthology. FA Futures Vietnam will have the same level of improvements as FAF Korea, with all new Vietnam terrain, new shapes and highly detailed skins, new vehicles, ships, aircraft, historically correct weapons with vastly improved realism, and an all new Vietnam Campaign to take advantage of them...
05-15-2015 - Work has begun on improving the Russian tanks (T-55,T-62, T-72, T-80, and T-90) to the same level of detail as the Challenger 2 and M1A1. New armor, such as reactive armor blocks, will be represented as well as the same detailed cannon skins and proper placement or stowage boxes... Look for future updates soon, with links to screenshots...
05-02-2015 - The new M1A1 tank is now completed. The shape and skin are based off the new Challenger 2 and are just as accurate and detailed. Turret is reshaped more accurately and a new hull has been created as well. The new shape even allowed for the creation of the co axial 7.62 machinegun and correcting locating the turret roof mounted 50 cal Machinegun... See the screenshots on the VNFAWING Forums by clicking here ...
04-16-2015 - Development has begun to investigate the feasibility of developing a highly detailed and multi-turreted Iowa Battleship. Turrets will be multi gunned and shaped accurately and a new ship hull will have to be created as well. The turrets (including fully detailed and accurate CIWS 20mm Vulcan turrets) will be able to independently engage multiple targets with all their guns, plus proper missile launchers will be incorporated... Read about it on the Zephyrnet Forums by clicking here ...
04-11-2015 - Fighters Anthology (in game) Trailer now posted to Youtube...
I posted this because the terrain masking is more accurate in FA Futures than in the original Fighters Anthology. FA Futures Korea has deep gorges and valley for you to fly through with rocky terrain to allow you to mask your approach to the North to try to evade it's air defenses, which are highly concentrated and overlapping, plus quite difficult to penetrate...
03-11-2015 - The new Challenger 2 tank is now completed. The shape and skin are fully accurate and detailed. Turret shaping is completed and a new hull has been created as well. Next will be the completion of work on the M1A1 Abrams... Look for continued updates... Read more on the VNFAWING Forums by clicking here ...
02-20-2015 - New development has begun on The Challenger 2 tank. Vehicle inludes a full revolving turret and, for teh first time, a fully skinned and detailed main cannon. Turret shape and skin are accurate, as well as the hull. The turret machinegun is in the proper location as well... Look for future updates... Read more on the VNFAWING Forums by clicking here ...
02-04-2015 - FA Futures Korea Progress worksheet updated.
The FA Futures Project worksheet has been updated. The latest work that has been completed has been added to the list. Some items, after further study, have been removed as impractible or obsolete, while others have been added. All armored vehicles, AAA vehicles, SAM vehicles, and RADAR vehicles are being reworked after successfully implementing higher detailed skins and shapes (that include fully detailed cannons.) to improve gameplay immersion.
Read more on the VNFAWING Forums by clicking here ...
02-04-2015 - Completed an intermediary M1A1 shape with revolving turret and an improved hull shape. Next step will be to improve the turret and perhaps further improvements to the hull shape. Need to correct the 50 CAL Machinegun location as well... Read more on the VNFAWING Forums by clicking here ...
02-03-2015 - New SA-2 Missile shape and skin under development.. An all new SA-2 missile (in flight shape), showing only second stage, is now in development. The shape will correct the error of the current SA-2 missile that shows the first stage attached throughout the missile flight. This new shape will show the proper shape of the missile after first stage burnout and seperation .. Read more on the VNFAWING Forums by clicking here and the Zephyrnet Forums by clicking here
02-02-2015 - How to get ships/vehicles to engage air & ground targets. The correct way to get ships to engage ground targets at sea and on land as well as engage all types of aircraft in flight...
How do I get ships/vehicles to engage air and ground targets at ranges greater than visual range?
A. The method I have found to work the best is to create a long range visual seeker. Edit one of the VisXXX.See files, renaming it and giving it a range of whatever is necessary for your ships/vehicles to fully use their weaponry. I recommend a generic long range seeker that can be given to several (or all) of your vehicles. Give this seeker to your ships/vehicles in their hardpoints menu. Then, load up your ship/vehicle with whatever weaponry you want.
Notes on weapons: 1. Make sure that ships can slew the weapons, and that all the weapons given to an object are secondary except for one. Secondary indicates that the vehicle doesn't need to "think" about targeting and firing it, and therefore will not turn toward the target.
2. Ships will fire all Air-to-Ground weaponry, and purposely-built radar-guided SAMs (designated as "Air-to-Ground"). Ships will fire air-to-air missiles with all guidance methods except radar. For a ship to fire an air-to-air missile, either semi-active guidance or active radar, they must be provided with a radar seeker. This can be in addition to an extended-range visual seeker.
Click here to read more on the Forums...
01-28-2015 - Improved (higher resolution) Fighters Anthology (in game) opening video now posted to Youtube...
I posted this new video that I adapted from the Jane's F/A-18 Super Hornet opening because its higher resolution than the original FA opening video and will allow it to be run at the newer higher resolution for the game GUI in FA Futures...
| 01-01-2015 - Happy New Year!! - Update on FA Futures development. Work continues on improving this simulation. Though the task is huge and the development team ha shrunk to a small level, work will continue on items thoughout the year with hopes of final release this year. Keep up to date on the VNFAWING Forums by clicking here and the Zephyrnet Forums by clicking here ...
12-31-2014 Identified and corrected another error on the new high definition blades on the CH-47 and CH-46 helos. The forward blades were not only spinning in the wrong direction, but also at the wrong height on the CH-46. These blades should be rotating opposite to the rear blades to compensate for torque and the front blades should be lower than the rear blades. The error stems from using the CH-47 Chinook shape as a starting spot for the CH-46 Helo... Read more by clicking here ...
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12-28-2014 - Israel Campaign V2.1 released by USNRaptor. This is an debug and update from his original Israeli 2001 Campaign he built way back in 1998. The F-15A Aim9L missile bug has been correct as well as other glitches...
You can read more on the Zephyrnet Forums by clicking here ... | |
FA Futures Crash Logs - Please add a short description to your report on the forum of what happened shortly before the crash, which mode you were in (AA, AG, NAV), if you launched a weapon or had just destroyed a target... Also add your system specs. You can also use this link to report other FA Futures issues than crashlogs on the Forum by clicking here (or click on the crashlog button) to post your report. Thanks for your help! CAG out...
07-23-2015 - (From Facebook)
Falcon 4 BMS on Facebook
BMS has a Facebook Page to support simmers using BMS mods for Falcon 4.0...
You can view the page on Facebook by clicking here .
02-26-2015 - (From SimHQ)
Falcon BMS 4.32 Public Server ...
TYPE: Co-op based, team play flying!
NOTICE: If you're new and need help we've got many people that can help you get all sorted out. Drop by and fly with us, you'll be glad you did! No crazy set up required! NO CRAZY INSTRUCTIONS! Just join us and start flying immediately.
Join us on Teamspeak 3 at: to meet up with other pilots!
PLEASE DO NOT change any server settings!
PLEASE DO NOT run any other Campaigns while connected to our server!
Server is set to KTO with Update 7
Recommended BW: 300
(We are currently flying BMS 4.32 with Update 7! Please check your install before joining the server)
Read more:
Follow us: @SimHQ on Twitter | SimHQ on Facebook
Click here to read further on the SimHQ Forums.
02-01-2015 - (From SimHQ)
The Battle for Balkans Version 1.2 [Falcon BMS on Falcon Online]
Balkans Campaign Version 1.2 Released and running on Falcon Online.
This upgrade includes new terrain, improved shapes and skins and vastly improved aerial graphics (clouds, weather, et) plus upgraded game play...
You can view the video on SimHQ by clicking here .
01-14-2015 - (From SimHQ) Tom's Korea 2015 Tileset now available.
Tom's Korea tileset is a vast improvement to the Falcon 4 map and greatly improves game emersion.
The tileset is available for downloads at the link below:
It makes Korea look less crappy. This is the Final version, updated 16th January 2015.
You can read more on the Viper Instructors Website by clicking here .
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09-05-2014 - (From SimHQ) Falcon 4 BMS 4.32 Installation Guide (Updated) Falcon 4 BMS 4.32 is the best version of the venerable Falcon 4 F-16 simulation to date. Bringing in modern "features" such as a fully-working, fully-clickable 3D cockpit with working gauges while still retaining the depth of Falcon 4 all for the low, low entry price of $0.00/£0.00/EUR0.00 (price dependent on your location of course), it is no surprise that it is attracting people from the I-got-no-clue-how-to-do-the-Falcon-dance new pilots to those who've spent a few months/years with the various other flavors of Falcon (OF/FF/AF) and are giving the sim "another chance" to those who've flown Falcon 4 for over a decade and can recite checklists in their sleep.
However, the install procedure for Falcon 4 BMS can be quite confusing. First of all, the BMS installer will look for the original Falcon 4 .exe file. Yes, the original one, so Falcon 4 Allied Force will not work... and this is where most people get confused. So yes, you will have to find a copy of the original Falcon 4.0, eBay and Amazon are good sources, or another virtual pilot can probably lend you his CD, but be prepared for total annihilation if you so much as scratch the CD!! I was lucky enough to get a free copy from Reschke early 2011 and surprisingly BMS came out by September, so thanks Reschke!! winner
Another common source of confusion is the installer and Update process that BMS is using. It is quite unique and difficult to use at first, though it kinda makes sense after a few Updates smile So here is the install process that I hope will help new pilots get from "WTF?!" to "OMG, this RAWKS!" in as short a time and as pain free as possible.
So here's how to install Falcon 4 BMS:
Follow us: @SimHQ on Twitter | SimHQ on Facebook
Please let all pictures load viewing the guide as they are integral to successful installation.
Click here to read further.
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05-22-2015 - (From Combat Ace) Development continues in both Strike Fighters 1 & 2 series of air combat games. New aircraft, shapes, skins, vehicles, ships, terrains, and campaigns are being developed and released daily. These addons require the appropiate Strike Fighters 1 or 2 software to use them.
You can read about, and gain access to, the latest in developments for Strike Fighters project 1 by clicking here ...
You can read about, and gain access to, the latest in developments for Strike Fighters project 2 by clicking here ...
04-25-2015 - (From Expansion 1 Pack for Scandinavian Front...
We are proud to soon release our first expansion pack for The Scandinavian Front. The Expansion pack will add many things that appear in Strike Fighters 2 for the first time.
Posted by JonathanRL on Apr 21st, 2015
* Several new and unique aircraft to fly, amongst them the Saab 18, Saab 21, Myrsky, Fuga Magister and Avia S-92!
* New cockpits for the De Havilland Mosquito, Saab 18, Saab 21 and the Fuga Magister by Stary; one of the best cockpit builders for Strike Figthers.
* A new Campaign, featuring an all out liberation of Finland by Swedish and Norwegian Forces set in the year 1950 including Amphibious Assaults.
* Fly for the Finnish Soviet Socialist Republic! A TSF First, this Campaign will allow you to fly an aircraft for the communists, defeating the filthy, warmongering imperialists in the name of Socialism!
* Bug Fixes and updates to the older campaigns, adding or replacing aircraft where suitable.
You can get the expansion pack and read about it by clicking here ...
02-20-2015 - (From Combat Ace) Thirdwire Reference Notes...
TK's last notes about campaign editing...
Well, supplies are kept track of at both force level, and at individual unit level. The SupplyRates at the the top only apply to change supply at force level, and doesn't directly affect supply at individual unit.
At force level, supply are modified at the end of each mission as follow:
NormalSupplyRate is added after each mission if neither side is in offensive. OffensiveSupplyRate is added (or subtracted, its usually negative) instead if the force is in offensive (either air or ground). DefensiveSupplyRate is used if the enemy force is in offensive instead.
SupplyForOffensive is the level of supply needed at force level for it to go into offensive mode. The offensive will generally continue until the attacking force runs out of supply (although it usually doesn't have to go all the way down to 0, there are several random triggers to stop earlier, I think Failure result by player has a chance to stop a friendly offensive, for example).
For example, WOI campaign 1, for IDF force, I have...
You can read about it by clicking here ...
01-02-2015 - (From Third Wire) Strike Fighters Legends (2015)
Fly the legendary jet fighters! Cold War air combat game on the go! Use your phone's tilt sensor to fly famous fighter jets and engage in dogfights through aviation history!
... Read more by clicking here ... |

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01-01-2015 - (From Third Wire) Strike Fighters Dogfight (2015)< /BR> Dogfight against your friends! Multiplayer air combat game on the go! Use your phone's tilt sensor to fly classic jet warplanes and engage in dogfights through aviation history!...
You can read about this project by clicking here ...
| 12-02-2014 - (From Combat Ace) Falkland Islands Campaign 1968
The campaign is Falkland Islands 1968. It features several RAF Hunter FGA Mk.9 squadrons against 7 Argentine squadrons, all A-4C, P, and Qs.
Missions are usually CAP or Anti-Shipping. There are no IRMs in the game, and each mission is tough and some are just downright exhausting. Your wingies are not much help.
Argentine Air Force A-4P and A-4AR (All previous owned)
In 1965, Argentina contracted to purchase 50 surplus U.S. Navy A-4B Skyhawks for the Argentine Air Force (Fuerza Aerea Argentina, or FAA).
After the aircraft were reworked at the Douglas facility in Tulsa, OK, they were redesignated A-4P "Caza" (Hunter). Twenty-five A-4B/A-4Ps were delivered to the FAA in 1966 and another 25 (A-4B/A-4P) were delivered in 1970. Argentina also purchased four A-4Bs (BuNos 144894, 144932, 145017, and 145053) for FAA non-operational use as spare parts sources. In Argentina, these aircraft will simply known as "Bravos".
In 1975, Argentina purchased an additional 25 A-4C Skyhawks for the FAA.
In 1994, Argentina contracted to purchase 36 surplus A-4M Skyhawks, to include engine refurbishments, rewiring, and avionics upgrades. Delivery of the refurbished aircraft, redesignated A-4AR Fightinghawks, began 1997.
Argentina Navy A-4Q (All previous owned)
CANA (Commando Aviacion Naval Argentina) purchased A-4B Skyhawks in 1971. These A-4B were reworked at Tulsa, Oklahoma. Argentina designated these reworked airframes A-4Q. CANA assigned numbers 0654 through 0669 to its 16 A-4Q aircraft, the numbers being painted on the vertical stabilizer. In addition radio call signs of 3-A-301 through 3-A-314 were painted on both sides of the mid-fuselage.
According to the in game stock Hunter FGA data file, the service end data is 1969, which I take to mean RAF service end date. The Harrier GR1 and GR3 have service start dates of 1969. So, it might mean that 1969 would be the only date to have both birds. But then, the rest of the FAA A-4Ps dont arrive until 1970, and the A-4Qs dont arrive until 1971. In the campaign, the Mt. Pleasant AB has a start date of 1985, so therefore not available until then.
So I thought I would make the campaign date either 1968 or 1969, and just do the following, right or wrong. BTW, all forces are playable.
1/RAF = Hunter FGA Mk.9 (8 birds at Port Stanley)
2/RAF = Harrier GR Mk.1 (8 birds at Port Stanley)
1/FAA = A-4P (16 birds at Santa Cruz)
2/FAA = A-4P (16 birds at Santa Cruz)
3/FAA = A-4C (8 birds at San Julian)
1/CANA = A-4Q (8 birds at Rio Grande)
You can read more by clicking here ...
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