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»2003 Site News Archive


Here you can find detailed updates to the website in the listed year.

Site Update
: is back fully active on the web! The new design, built in record time, which I call Aircraft Aluminum, is based on the new aluminum skins I developed for FAF and thus are totally original and wholely owned by The new site is much brighter and laid out in a much more user friendly design with easy to click on text links instead of the slower popout java scripts that weighted down the original site. Users seem to enjoy the new upbeat brightness of the site!
To avoid a growing conflict with the webmaster of Xxxxlabs, the site has been voluntarly pulled down from the web for redesign. The benefit of this is that the new website will be more streamlined, more user friendly, and faster to access for all users. The graphical redesign is in full swing with all graphics being designed from scratch by CAG Hotshot, to avoid this problem ever occuring ever again in the future. The site is expected to be active again before the end of the year.
A possible conflict is developing with Xxxxlabs over the graphical design of vnfawing. Negiotations, which had been attempted back in February have returned to haunt the site with a problem of insufficient changes in the design to offset the site enough from another site on the web. The owner/webmaster is likely to cause further problems if the website remains with the same graphical design. A possible site redesign, after only 3 months of operation, may be forced upon us.
New video pages completed and 12 additional videos added to the site. 'Bandit Bulletin' Archive migaration has begun from the old vnfawing storage site to the new site. 6 years of archived news and announcements will have to be edited and converted to the new site format. Many news items and related articles still remain to be moved.
Additional growth in the video section has led to the building of seperate video pages for FAF, Falcon 4, and Lomac. Additional combat video segment is planned for for implementation in September, with many new videos to be added monthly after that.
Website active, but only in html format. Additional time will be necessary before implementation of planned improvements, such as a dedicated forum and a portal interface to the main page. Additional php language skills will be required to make these further improvements a reality.
: beta site goes active on the world wide web. FA Futures finally has a new fully interactive site for support of library enhancements and online campaign engine design. Beta testers for the site zeroed in on all bugs and the site is declared 'clean' and ready for full activation.
Added a complete section for news on FA,F4,JF/A-18,Lomac-Flanker, and Project 1 for the last 6 years. All major developments, projects, and updates are listed in chronological order in the News Section. Added a Site News Section to chronograph all the site design and development histories over the last 2 years.
Created sections for Articles, Interviews, Previews, Reviews, and Editorials. Contributing authors simply post their articles to the by logging in to the Editorials Page. The articles will be reviewed by Staff and posted the following week if found to be appropiate to the site's intended content.
Created a Air Combat Tactics and Training Section to the site. This section contains articles, interviews, and video for the enhanced training of air combat simmers. 3 Dimensional diagrams and detailed information in modern air combat tactics will ensure the improvement in skills to all levels of sim combat pilots.
Added a guestbook link to the site header banner. The Guestbook always was a frequently used feature of the first VNFAWING site at Tripod, so that's why I have decided to enable one on the new site. Also added a subscription Newsletter to the site. Also added a poll engine to the main index pages.
Added an Audio/Video Gallery to the site for posting Screenshots, Simulation Videos, and In Game Auido, along with real life combat videos and sound files. Excellent Videos from Tank_77th created for FA Futures and ECV-56th for Falcon 4.0 SP-3 'Red Hot' Campaign. Also included are all the preview videos released for LOMAC.
Began creation of a VNFAWING.COM™ Downloads Section for hosting large files, such as FA Futures Korea 2000 Summer Files and the soon to be released FA Futures Korea 2000 Winter Files. This setion will be available to third parties as a mirror site. has been chosen by ECV-56th as an 'Official Mirror SIte' for F4 SP series based Campaigns, Videos, and skins. All FA Futures Files, including all future libraries will also be hosted. Contact CAG directly to request space for hosting your large files.
Organized 'sponsor' sites from contributing volunteers to the FA Futures libraries. Every site listed in the sponsors section has offered unique assistance to in the development of FA Futures Libraries and FA Futures Campaigns. Included in this are Beta Testers at the 77th, Library developers such as Kaptor and Centurian, Flight model editors such as Iron Eagle(retired now) and Kaptor, also the FA Terrain Team's terrain enhancements, etc.
Began investigating how to established a Paypal account for voluntary contributions to support the costs of the site development. Link will appear on the all webpages when implemented. Also investigated specific advertisement links to gain discounts on the advertised books, software, and accessories for users. Advertisements will appear on the left and right sides of pages throughout the site. Users will click on them to gain important discounts.
Began negotiations on site development with Xxxxlab for the basis of design concepts for flight simulation support site. Graphics for the 'layout' were obtained from Xxxxlab, but all design work and implementation was handled by CAG Hotshot.
New Year resolution in place for VNFAWING to release its new website before the end of the first half of 2003. New site target release date is by June 30th 2003.



Video Resources

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Sponsor Sites

  1: SimHQ
  2: ZephyrNet
  3: 13 Vultures
  4: 77th Gamblers
  5: Aeyes Cockpits
  6: Forsaken Outlaw
  7: FA Resource Center


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