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The 'Bandit Bulletin' Archive

»2007 Bandit Bulletin Archive

FA Futures/FA-2 News

12-29-2007 - New Japanese F-2 shape enters development. increasing the size of the sings and strtching the fuselage are only part of this project to develop a much more realeastic Japanese F-2 for FAF Korea. The new shape will also have an accurate tail design for the stabilators as well as an improved cockpit and additional hardpoints that the real aircraft carries. The shaadown shape will also be expanded to accurately display a ground shadow of the new shape as well as accurately dispaly crashed shapes when the aircraft is destroyed in flight or on the ground. Visit the VNFAWING Forums by clicking here ...

FA Futures/FA-2 News

12-28-2007 - Pallet solution for F-14 Tomcats...
One problem that has always bugged me on the F-14s is that in FA, and even currently in FAF, we add the AIM-54 Phoenix missiles to the belly of the aircraft singularly, instead of via pallets (2 weapons at a time) which is how the US Navy always armed the aircraft. Other then AIM-7 Sparrow missiles on the belly (2 max, loaded 1 per station, or 1 per pallet) all weapons loaded onto the tomcat belly hardpoints were loaded in pairs...
So what I am going to do is create a series of pallet based weapons for the F-14 that will only go on the belly of that aircraft. Thus you can load 2 Phoenix pallets of 2 missles each, or you can load 2 Sparrow missles max on the belly, or 2 palletts of 2 GBUs or JDAMs max. This should remove the error of loading to many sparrow missles or to few phoenix or bombs, and give you an option of 2 Sparrow missiels, or 2 pallets of 4 phoenix missles, or 1 pallet of 2 Phoenix and 1 pallet of 2 bombs, or 1 pallet of 2 bombs and a 1 Sparrow missile...
I have decided to remove some out of date weapons from the libraries (like the AIM-120B, which has been retired) and some redundant iron bombs that are no longer used... Read more on the VNFAWING Forums by clicking here ...

FA Futures/FA-2 News

08-17-2007 - Aguada's new FA EXE Editor has been released! This editor is used to apply the new router fix patch for all FA online players using a router. With this patch the multiple router multiplayer connection bug is now officially fixed and downloadable! See the news item below for a quick overview...

Download the FA EXE editor router fix by clicking here to get access...

FA Futures/FA-2 News

12-27-2007 - I would like to apolgise to all the members and those interested in FA Futures for my lack of updates to the site and my lack of overall work on the project this year. I have become heavily involved in my cycling club (I rode over 8000 miles this year in club rides and rallys) and also competed in various races. This has cut heavily into my workng time on FA Futures and I am afraid I simply did not pay enough attention to development. I think I had reached burnout point and I know I have upset several of the members of teh development team by missing beta testng deadlines and missing beta test flights in multiplayer. So I would like to take this time to again apolgise to these members and to all those waiting on this upgrade. There is still so much to do that I am certain it will take quite a while more to reach a point where all this work can be released. Please keep coming back to visit the Flight Sim Develop0ment Center for additional updates on the project and I promise I will keep working on this no matter how much time it takes to complete. Thank you. CAG out...

FA Futures/FA-2 News

07-02-2007 - It's that time of year again, when I post a screenshot of one of the pages from the New ingame GUI. The internal FAF GUI screens raises the default resolution of the command screens in game from 640 x 480 to 1024 x 768. View this years sample screenshot of the new GUI FAF Campaign Briefing Screen by clicking the image below:

1024x768 GUI Screenshot sample

Visit the Forums by clicking here for further details...

FA Futures/FA-2 News

06-28-2007 - New RQ-1 / MQ-1 Predator shape and skin created.
A new shape and skin for the RQ-1 / MQ-1 Predator has been created to better represent the recon UAV/UCAV in FAF Korea. The new shape has widened wings, better nose shaping and more accurate landing gear. This will allow more realeastic ground targetting for the FA Futures pilot for better immersaion in the sim. The new shape and skin are fully XP SP2 complaint...

Visit the Forums by clicking here for further details...

FA Futures/FA-2 News

06-27-2007 - CAG explains his reasoning on why he chose the Korean Theater as the first theater for FAF. "This is why I picked Korea for the 1st FAF Combat Theater...
The war has never ended there. NK Incursions and attacks have occurred hearly every year since the end of the war in 1953 with the loss of hundreds, if not thousands, of lives on both sides. Below is the list of incursions presented to Congress in 2003...

Visit the Forums by clicking here for further details...

FA Futures/FA-2 News

02-27-2007 - Kap has created a much improved F-22 Flight Model... His F-22 exactly mimics the real birds published performance figures and RCS gains by external ordnance. If you carry externals (fuel tanks and/or weapons) you will be visible on radar unless you fly either very low or very high. The same results were confirmed in multiplayer...

Visit the Forums by clicking here for further details...

FA Futures/FA-2 News

01-29-2007 - American and Russian aircraft carrier shapes and high resolution skins have entered into beta testing today. Tests will include carrier opps on all ships, checking of skin layouts and details, operations of cats, including the new waist cat in multiplayer, and testing of the first stage development of the new carrier wakes. Visit the Forums by clicking here for further details...

FA Futures/FA-2 News
01-24-2007 - Development continues on ship wakes for FAF Korea as a new break through has been accomplished with wakes for aircraft carriers and other large ships. The graphic for the wake has been based off of a shape with a very far distance detailed LOD allowing the wakes to be seen at long ranges! Visit the Forums by clicking here for further details...
FA Futures/FA-2 News
01-23-2007 - The mysterious CTDs from the new MiG-29 and Su-27, Su-35, and Su-37 shapes continue to evade defination. Some flights the shapes and skins are totally rock solid, others they instantly caused CTDs when viewed from certain angles. Until the reason is uncovered completely new shapes might have to be built or older shapes imported from Win98 files. For updates on this problem visit the Forums by clicking here for further details...
FA Futures/FA-2 News
01-22-2007 - Work continues in shape and skin development for building new 3 dimensional hardened shelters, hangers, and revetments. The HAS and hangars will have internal walls that match up to the exteranl dimensions allowing both human and AI pilots to park inside shelters to begin and end missions there. So far testing has occurred that shows this isnt to difficut to add to FAF Korea and to correct the new buidlings dimensions and apply high res detailed skins...

Click here to

» Janes's FA internet resources
FA Futures/FA-2 News
01-10-2007 - Work continues on altering cloud and fog graphics in FAF Korea. Work has begun to conectrate on altering the FOG or CLOUD layer and Fartiles to allow their use during sunny days to improve the "blending" of the edges of teh visible tiles to that of the untiles terrain in the far distance. Could and fog layers use a "masking" far tile that hides the edges of these terrain tiles to eliminate the "blockiness" that occurs when tiles become visible in the distance and cover the basic far untiled terrain. Development will continue until a solution is found...

FA Futures/FA-2 News
01-09-2007 - Work has commenced on importing 512 x 512 terrain tiles into FA Futures. The aim is to bring in the larger tiles and have the game engine "compress" the larger 512 x 512 tile into the smaller 256 x 256 tile slot of the original tiles. This will shrink the size of the tiles by 4 times, reducint the size of the pixels at low level and making the terrain look that much more realeastic at low, as well as high, altitude. So far testing has successfully compressed the tiles in 1 axis displaying tiles in 256 x 512 size. This, of course, is only half way there, but the terrain team feels that it will be possible to compress the tiles fully and vastly improve the quality of the new FAF Korea terrain.

Click here to

Falcon 4.0 News
12-28-2007 - (From News Update: December 28th, 2007 The year is almost complete and the holiday season gives all of us here at Lead Pursuit the ideal opportunity to thank our customers for your dedicated support and ongoing enthusiasm for Falcon 4.0: Allied Force.
This seems a great time to tell you about a small maintenance release we will put out in early 2008 via the web site and the auto-updater system.
Primarily the patch will address graphics display issues experienced by customers using certain graphics cards and drivers with Microsoft Windows Vista. It also provides us the chance to include changes that will yet further enhance the stability of the product, and that will be of interest to everyone, whether flying the product in single or multi-player environments.

Stay tuned for more news and meanwhile, enjoy your flying!
Happy New Year!
Lead Pursuit

To visit the Lead Pursuit Website, click here .

Falcon 4.0 News
12-22-2007 - (From PMC Tactical Fighter Wing) December 22/ 2007 - PMC Theaters new versions for all of them!
PMC has released new versions of all our theaters!
Check the individual theater pages here:

Operation Desert Storm
click here to download.
click here to download.
click here to download.
click here to download.
click here to download.
click here to download.
click here to download.
click here to download.

Falcon 4.0 News
08-09-2007 - (From PMC Tactical Fighter Wing)August 9/ 2007 - Cockpit Editor v4.0.4b by Seifer released!
New version of Seifer's Cockpit Editor v4.0.4b has been released. This is the latest cockpit editor available and replaces v4.03b. Check it out from our downloads page...

To visit the download page click here .

Falcon 4.0 News
06-29-2007 - (From PMC Tactical Fighter Wing)June 29/ 2007 - Cockpit Editor v4.0.3b by Seifer released!
New version of Seifer's Cockpit Editor v4.0.3b has been released. This is the latest cockpit editor available and replaces v4.02b. Check it out from our downloads page...

To visit the download page click here .

Falcon 4.0 News
06-14-2007 - (From News Update: June 14th, 2007 We are pleased to announce release of our 11th patch for Falcon 4.0 Allied Force. Enjoy!
Please be sure to reboot after the installation of the patch.

You can the download patch from our downloads area, or use the Update Check utility from your installation.

The changes in 1.0.12 are:

Avionics / Weapons:
Fixed GM radar mode to show moving as well as static targets. GMT mode still only shows moving targets.
GM radar mode now shows all objects but only vehicles/objects stationary are lockable. If a vehicle moves faster than km/hr , it will break lock.
GMT radar mode shows vehicles moving faster than few KM/hr speed threshold. They can be locked as long as they remain moving.
Improved Sea mode target detection ( 0+ speed threshold ).
Fixed Air-to-Ground radar freeze mode so that the cursor can be moved to lock contacts after freezing.

AGM-88 HARM set so that only one vehicle gets destroyed.
Frigates (Jangwei, Ulsan) will now show up on RWR with ship option enabled. Both now have some AAA/AD weapons.
Adjust RWR priority sensitivity on some aircraft (e.g. MiG-29 and Su-27-37 family)

AWACS menu fix: should fix cases where an AWACS is in the air, but from another friendly team and thus can not be accessed. They should be visible now.
Limit EF-18G missions to only ECM and SEAD roles.

Implemented auto-updater check at start-up. Options in Setup are: Always, Weekly, Monthly and Never.

Several CTD fixes.

To visit the Lead Pursuit Website to obtain the patch, click here .

Falcon 4.0 News
06-12-2007 - (From PMC Tactical Fighter Wing)June 12/ 2007 - PMC Vietnam Theater v0.9 has been released! PMC Vietnam Theater v0.9 has been released! Check out more details in our forum topic, for download links etc. ...

To visit the forum topic click here . To visit the download page click here .

Falcon 4.0 News
05-19-2007 - (From PMC Tactical Fighter Wing)May 19/ 2007 - Cockpit Editor v4.0.2b by Seifer released!
New version of Seifer's Cockpit Editor v4.0.2b has been released. This is the latest cockpit editor available and replaces v4.01b. Check it out from our downloads page...

To visit the download page click here .

Falcon 4.0 News
04-01-2007 - (From News Update: April 1st, 2007 This is no April Fools! After a short delay we are pleased to announce release of our 10th patch for Falcon 4.0 Allied Force. Patch 1.0.11 is building on our previous fixes and additions to this great simulation, and we hope that you will continue to enjoy flying it as much as we have enjoyed making it...
You can the download patch from our downloads link below, or use Update Check utility from your installation.
The changes in 1.0.11 are:

Artificial Intelligence:
Fixed package waypoint timing.
Set the same repeat waypoint for HAVCAP flights like AWACS and JSTAR.

Avionics / Weapons:
Fixed GM radar mode to now also show moving as well as static targets. GMT mode still only shows moving targets.

Fixed speed display in glance-forward 3D view.

Enhanced night-lighting of airbases and some other objects.

Fixed CTD when using Vector-to-Tanker radio call.
Several more CTD fixes.

To visit the Lead Pursuit Website to obtain the patch, click here .

Falcon 4.0 News
03-30-2007 - (From PMC Tactical Fighter Wing)March 30/ 2007 - Israel Theater Operations 2 released!
Israel Theater Operations 2 (ITO2) has been released! This is not a PMC theater but work from Baldeagle, CCC, Peled and Ranger822. Check out the Israel forum area for download links and further information.

Click here to enter the Israeli Theater Forums.

Falcon 4.0 News
03-17-2007 - (From 17/ 2007 - Theater pages updated and added!
We have just updated our theaters page and added dedicated pages for Falklands, Iran and Taiwan. Enjoy.

Click here to visit the theaters page to read further.

Falcon 4.0 News
02-28-2007 - (From PMC Tactical Fighter Wing)February 28/ 2007 - Cockpit Editor v4.0.1b by Seifer released!
New version of Seifer's Cockpit Editor v4.0.1b has been released. This is the latest cockpit editor available. Check it out from our downloads page...

To visit the download page click here .

Falcon 4.0 News
02-25-2007 - (From Update: February 25th, 2007
We are happy to announce the release of patch V1.10.
While previous patches were especially focused on enhancing the multiplayer aspect of the simulation, this patch contains corrections for many issues that have an impact especially on the single player experience. Changes include even further improved Artificial Intelligence that make the enemy more dangerous, data changes to the Campaign and quite a few Cockpit fixes. Furthermore, the fix for the "hang issue" with the nVidia 8800 GTX graphics card is included in this patch. Also, night time landings at airbases should be more rewarding now that the night lighting has been fixed.
This patch is tagged 1.0.10 and can be obtained either by using the Update Check function in Start / Programs / Battlefield Operations folder or by downloading the patch from our downloads area. There are still a few niggles left, and as time permits, you may see them fixed in another patch V1.11 at some time.
The full changelog for 1.0.10 is listed below:
The "Vector to Tanker" call now calls the closest tanker when the assigned one is too far away at the time of request.
Fix SAM units being sometimes fixated on far away flights.
"Vector to Package" now tells the vector to the next flight in the package (e.g. Escort) when player is lead in the first package flight.
Increased lethality of enemy AI.
Better energy management when entering merge of engagement.
Fix MADDOG missiles not being recognized by the locked AI plane.
Fix for A2G missiles with large blast radius exploding way up in the air.
Fix for prioritizing best weapon regarding the R60 and R13m (e.g. MiG-21Mbis).
Adjustment on letality of SA7, SA14, SA16, HN-5.
Fix so R27RE and -TE aren't fired at extreme range, losing lock.

Fixed an issue with Matra-530D missiles not showing on a Mirage 2000.
Fixed an issue where MiG-21-93 had ghost R-13 missile in loadout screen.
Fixed an issue with A-10 center hardpoint not showing both bombs loaded.
Fixed an issue with sandbag revetment causing damage to aircraft. Also fixed an issue to make the three-sandbag revetments usable next to depot at some airbases.
Fix the wingman facing your way at Seosan airbase, taking off in TAXI mode.

Added EF-18G Growler to Tactical Engagement and Campaign for manual tasking.
For Korea: Iron Fortress, make Russia and China entering the war more probable.
Slight increase of aircraft per squadron count when each side enters the war, especially Russia and China in 2005+ campaigns.
Increase of manpads available in the SAM AD units.

Fixed too large AOA bracket on Head Up Display.
Fixed jumping CCRP release cue in GMT radar mode.
Remark: the cue can still "jump" by a specific amount, as the cue shows a lead on moving vehicles - when they change heading, the cue "jumps".
Fixed position of RWR symbols in 3D cockpit.
Fix RWR contacs being displayed white in 3D cockpit when HSD is the SOI.
Correct HUD/MFD text alignment and position in 3d cockpit.
Adjusted Simple avionics HUD/MFD text position as well.
Fixed DED position in 3D cockpit.
Fix for the famous MARK point bug.
Display HUD numbers < 10 with a leading 0.

Enhanced night-lighting of airbases and a few other objects.
Fixed issue with runway and taxi-signs so they show at night.
Added point lighting to water tower and some bridges.
Raised visibility range for VASI lights at night.
Fixed some texture issues on hangars at night.
New nosewheel spotlight for F-16.
Fixed an issue with some small bridges disappearing after being destroyed.
Fixed some issues with runways and taxiways so they match better at all distances.

While waiting for others to join in Dogfight, a flashing "PLEASE WAIT" message will appear on screen.
When being the only one left in 3D world, a message saying so appears instead.
Send weather information now to other clients in dogfight games.

Correct country flags in all modes and theaters.
Remark: for old campaign save files, NATO and SLOVENIAN flags may still show mixed up in the OOB window. This should not happen anymore for new campaign save files.

Workaround for Geforce 8800GTX hang in pie screen.

Fix the need to hold down Shift+N (SimCursorEnable) to switch the AIM-120 avionics to BORE mode.
Using the keyboard, it is now a toggle function, with a mapping to the joystick, the joystick button still has to be held.

To download the pastch visit the downapage by clicking here .

Falcon 4.0 News
02-16-2007 - (From PMC Tactical Air Wing)February 16/ 2007 - Theater.lst editing utility released!
New Theater.lst file editing utility has been added into our download page. This util will cleanly modify your theater.lst in original Falcon 4 or in Falcon 4 Allied Force.

... To download the theater visit the downapage by clicking here .

Falcon 4.0 News
01-17-2007 - (From PMC Tactical Fighter Wing)January 17/ 2007 - F4Browse v2.31 and Tacedit v2.48 (Not for Allied Force)
New F4Browse v2.31 and Tacedit v2.48 has been added into our download page. Please dont confuse this F4Browse with the other one (not for Allied Force)....

To download the tools visit the downapage by clicking here .
Falcon 4.0 News
01-16-2007 - (From PMC Tactical Fighter Wing)January 16/ 2007 - F4Browse for Allied Force ONLY!
F4Browse v2.5 for Falcon 4 Allied Force ONLY has been added into our download page. Having problems editing F4AF databse? Well use this version of F4Browse then, but it only reads F4AF stuff.

To download the tools visit the downapage by clicking here .

» Falcon 4.0 internet resources
Falcon 4.0 News
01-10-2007 - (From PMC Tactical Fighter Wing)January 10/ 2007 - PMC Tactical is back in Theater development!
For anyone who doesn't know, I retired 2003 after the SP5/ViperOps development was shutdown. I spent alot of time editing Operation Flashpoint while I kept totally out of the Falcon scene. Now at end of last year when we did update our web sites and forum software, I got into Falcon 4 scene again, semi unintentionally.
Ever since then I have been reading the old forum topics and stuff in our site while testing out the various Falcon versions available. I had no intentions but it just happened, I got into editing F4 again, just for fun... this fun then took over and brought back all the good old memories. I was hooked, again.
So now at January 2007 its time to make a comeback to Falcon 4 Theater scene!
Its PMC's plan to develop and release new versions of these theaters:
Operation Desert Storm
They would include fixed terrain tiling, terrain tiles, campaigns, campaign victory conditions, kneemaps, tacan information, user interface and possible database tweaks. To simplify theater installs I'm going to unify the install method/path which keeps F4 dir clean and theaters easy to maintain/find etc.
The PMC site will be updated for any tutorials that require new information or just to clean up the existing information. Much of the large database of information from our forum will be transferred to easily read web page tutorials.
Currently I have had discussions with Red Dog to update the kneemaps and tacan lists for the theaters. I will offer invitation to other people interested on helping to develop theaters, the more people will help the more quicker we get some results.
So thats about it, I truly believe that year 2007 will be the most glorious year in Falcon development.
PMC Tactical

Lomac Flaming Cliffs News
09-19-2007 - (From LOTATC .NET
LOTATC (Lock On Tiny Air Traffic Control), the most feature enhanced ATC, found a new life in second version: LOTATC .NET
This time we see even more thorough approach to development. Let's cross fingers.

LOTATC Imagery

Click here to visit the LOTATC site and to read more.
Lomac Flaming Cliffs News
06-25-2007 - (From FORTIS Dogfight Cup
The Third European Flightsim Championship better known as FORTIS Dogfight Cup, the official European Flightsim Championship based on Lock On will also take place this year. The competition is based on teamwork in which virtual pilots organized in sections (two ship formations) challenge each other. The best eight teams meet in Hungary at the 17th and 18th November in the finals which gross prize money reaches 20,000 euros. Lodging costs (room&meal) of all participants are paid by the organizers.

For further information please Click here to look at the official home page.
Lomac Flaming Cliffs News
04-26-2007 - (From Patch 1.12b for "LockOn 1.1: Flaming Cliffs" simulator
This patch can be installed over Lock On 1.1, Lock On 1.11 or Lock On 1.12. Patch version 1.12b includes fixes of various bugs found in the previous version of the game, as well as numerous improvements to it, such as:
•compatibility with the Windows Vista Operating System,
•"Ghost" spikes and nails on RWR SPO-15 and TEWS bug fixed,
•advanced model of guidance limitations for Air to Air Missiles with precise tuning,
•new multiplayer code with increased game stability,
•numerous avionics fixes and improvements,
•new input features,
•new 3D models of numerous munitions *,
•new, more advanced models of AWACS and EWR operations *,
•compatibility with the Win64 Operating System *,
•optional once-a-week disk check for the CD version *.
The full list of added features and corrections implemented in patch version 1.12b

Patch version 1.12b also includes previously released patches and fixes: patch version 1.11 (marked with *), Ground Units LODs Fix (GU_LODs) and CLIENT NETWORK GAME STUTTERING FIX.

** To download the /Patch version 1.12b for CD installed russian language version of LockOn 1.1: Flaming Cliffs/ select site language to russian....
Click here .

» Lockon Lomac internet resources

Strike Fighters News

05-12-2007 - (From Thirdwire) May 12, 2007
Digital download versions of Wings Over Europe, Wings Over Vietnam, and Strike Fighters Gold are now available for purchase from our Online Store!
You can get visit the new online by clicking here ...

Strike Fighters News

09-19-2006 - (From Thirdwire) We're very excited to announce that Wings Over Europe is now available in Europe! For more details on its availability in your region, please check with the distributor, Empire Interactive.
We're also releasing new set of Patches for our games to bring them all up to the same standard! These patches are cumulative since the last Service Pack, and these can be applied to any version since the Service Pack.

Wings Over Europe Patch (v08.30.06)
This patch brings the game up to the latest version. This patch is a cumulative patch, and it contains all the fixes from previous patches. Please read the Readme.txt for more details.
After upgrading with this Patch, the game will require at least the April 2006 version of DirectX to run correctly.
If you're receiving "missing d3dx9_30.dll" error, this means your DirectX 9.0c is not up to date. (Aug 2007 is the most current version)
To download and install the latest DirectX, please visit Microsoft website at
DirectX End-User Runtime Web Installer (only download and install needed files)
Alternatively, you can download full DirectX End-User Runtimes (58.8 MB) to upgrade computer without internet connection during installation.

You can obtain the patch by clicking here ...

» Strike Fighter 1 internet resources

TSH JF-18 News

11-25-2007 - (From Team Super Hornet) Subject: UPDATE 11-25-07: Fix #1a is now available at the TSH website, correcting a bug that the pervious Fix #1 did not solve.
This is for the Saudi campaign by Maverick and Ripcord released on 07-30-2007

Click here to go to the TSH Site to download...

TSH JF-18 News

08-16-2007 - (From Team Super Hornet) Subject: UPDATE 8-16-07: Fix #1 is now available at the TSH website.
This is for the Saudi campaign by Maverick and Ripcord released on 07-30-2007

Click here to go to the TSH Site to download...

TSH JF-18 News

07-30-2007 - (From Team Super Hornet) Subject: Resolute Fury campaign released:
The long-awaited Saudi campaign by Maverick and Ripcord is finally available. In fact, it is still not 100% done, but the first half of it is, and since it is quite large (over 110 missions), there is no reason to delay the release.
This campaign was a first in many regards. It started life as the first 'community-built' campaign, with missions contributed by 4 or 5 different builders, but it quickly became a joint-venture between Mav and Ripcord. It is also the first (and to my knowledge only) campaign to incorporate NEW INGAME MOVIES using the TSH movie converter tool. Mav's work here is nothing short of brilliant. And this campaign also makes some use of some other object editing tools that TSH has released most recently - or at least this is the case in the later missions.
It is, regrettably, a 92.5 MB download. Sorry about that.
However, it is worth it for the new in-game movies. And this release contains only 58 of the roughly 116 missions that will be released, although the campaign MCF file is already built to accommodate them all. So the plan is to just let you guys get started, and a second mission pack will be released closer to the end of the year. All you will need to do is just drop them into the folder and keep on flying. There are still a few final missions to build, and many yet need to be edited... and unfortunately, the time is just not able like I was in the past.
Please note that, although the readme does not state that TSHv3 is required for play, JF-18 will most likely CTD if it tries to play a new movie file and TSHv3 is installed. Please install TSHv3 before playing this campaign.
Click here to go to the TSH Site to download...

TSH JF-18 News

07-30-2007 - (From Team Super Hornet) Subject: Two new Falklands campaigns released Two new campaigns written by Major Dragon are now available at the TSH website. Guerro de las Malvinas, a historical campaign written from the Argentine side, and Operation Corporate, written from the British side, detail the 1982 conflict. Click here to go to the TSH Site to download...

TSH JF-18 News

05-30-2007 - (From Team Super Hornet) Subject: Today TSH offers two new downloads:

Enhanced North Cape Terrain Textures
(official name TSHv3 Terrain Textures v2.0)

Blitz has reworked the ncape.til file in order to enhance the terrain detail. We are still quite limited by the 32x32 terrain resolution, but we feel the result is an improvement. Simply replace your existing ncape.til file with the one included in the download; it is located in the \FA-18\ncape folder. The new ncape.til file is compatible with the TSHv3 unified landpal format and requires TSHv3.

North Cape Landpals with Lighter Water Color
(official name TSHv3 Landpals v2.0)

Blitz has reworked 36 of the 38 landpal files introduced in TSHv3.04 so that the water color has been lightened. The two unmodified landpals are "Mars" and "Black & White". To install, replace the existing landpal.pcx and landpXX.pcx files in your \FA-18\ncape folder with the downloaded files. You may wish to back up the existing files in order to revert to the darker water color. Alternatively, the original dark water color landpals can be restored from a TSHv3.04 package or later.

Click here to go to the TSH Site to download...

TSH JF-18 News

05-02-2007 - (From Team Super Hornet) Subject: UPDATE 5-2-07: TSHv3.06 is now available. This release adds the ability to rotate individual objects inside a plugin, or all objects inside a plugin at once. Use the O and T keys for left and right rotation, respectively.

Plugin Extractor 2.0 has also been released. Please read the thread>BR />
Click here to go to

TSH JF-18 News

04-11-2007 - (From Team Super Hornet) Subject: UPDATE 4-11-07: TSHv3.05 patch is now available. This version exists mainly to fix bugs and complete features that were incomplete in v3.04. The changelist is below. TSHv3.05 full install, full install without movie, and 3.04 patch downloads are available at the TSH website.
In addition to TSHv3.05, a standalone download for the Plugin Creator is available.

TSHv3.05 changelist
- Added 6 new ground objects: farm1, farm2, oil sea refinery, double-cross-linked SA-10, small nuclear facility, harbor
- Added "Display all ground objects" option in Mission Builder
- Changed default terrain for Mission Builder objects to be transparent
- Added option for Grass Terrain for Mission Builder objects
- Added Mission Builder keystrokes (U, D, L, R) for moving ground objects
- Added Mission Builder keystrokes (I, N) for enabling move of individual object inside plugin
- Fixed "plugin" registry entry being created in the wrong location for Windows XP users

Please note that if you have installed TSHv3.04 on Windows XP and an incorrect "plugin" registry entry has been created, TSHv3.05 will not fix it. You must manually fix the registry entry, or delete it entirely. If deleted, it will be recreated correctly by TSHv3.05.

Click here to go to the TSH Site to download...
TSH JF-18 News
04-03-2007 - (From Team Super Hornet) Subject: There's a bit of a bug in 3.04; on Windows XP it seems a registry entry is not created properly, leading to problem with Instant Action and with Mission Builder objects. To fix:

- Click on the Start Button
- Select "Run..."
- Type "regedit"
- Press OK
- Navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Jane's Combat Simulations\F18
- Right click on the "plugin" entry
- Select Modify
- Open Windows Explorer and navigate to your \FA-18\Ncape folder
- Copy the full path from the address bar
- Paste it into the registry editor's Edit String Window
- Press OK
- Close the registry editor

Click here to read further...

TSH JF-18 News

03-31-2007 - (From Team Super Hornet) Subject: UPDATE 3-31-07: The TSHv3.04 patch is now available. The changelist is below. TSHv3.04 full install, full install without movie, and 3.04 patch downloads are available at the new TSH website.

TSHv3.04 changelist
- Changed 7 seasonal landpals so that they are lighter in color
- Added 30 new landpal files compatible with TSHv3 unified format (includes 7 original seasonal landpals) for a total of 37 landpals
- Fixed CMDS_MODE game command
- Fixed issues with Master-Mode-specific keymappings
- Added ability to display friendly contacts on SA MDI page
- Added method of organizing/managing the in-game list of single missions
- F18dev.log entry of missing objects/textures
- Added selectable resolution of 1920x480 for use with Matrox Parhelia and TripleHead2Go
- Added possibility of swapping rudder to axes Z2 and Z3
- Maximum ground plugin count increased from 93 to 171
- Size of HUD heading indicator increased to match other big HUD font elements
- "DLCTR2" label in RDR MDI corrected to read "DCLTR2"
- New TSHv3 Manager version: v1.040
- Changed Manager label "Alternate Joystick Calibration" to "Alternate Joystick Sensitivity"
- Removed numbers from controller axis labels to prevent confusion
- New UltimatePatch version: v1.040 (patch version written in F18DEV.log)
- New prapper.dll version: v1.0.4.0
- New trapper.dll version: v1.0.4.0

Click here to read further...

» JF/A-18 internet resources

TSH JF-18 News

03-30-2007 - (From Team Super Hornet) Subject: TSH announces new website and releases TSHv3.04
TSH is pround to announce a new website. As TSH Add-ons have grown more complicated over the past few years, the previous website had become more and more complicated to use effectively. With new software, a completely new organization system for downloads, and an easy-to-use editor for the webmasters, the new website should help to better serve the Jane's F-18 community. The URL remains unchanged:
The new website integrates the Add-On Installation Guide and the TSHv3 Manual. It also features Campaigns written by Major Dragon and Ripcord, two talented JF-18 mission builders. Shorly I hope to host all known JF-18 campaigns at the new website. All images are thumbnailed for easy viewing. Simply click on a thumbnail and it will open in a new window. Click anywhere in the new window to close.
Please be aware when navigating the new website that there are often two sets of "Prev/Next" links at the bottom of any given page. The first set will be located towards the right side of the page, not quite at the bottom; these links are for navigating to the next page of a section. Below these links are a second set of links, all the way at the bottom and centered. These links are for grosser navigation, and will take you to the next section of the website.
With the launch of the new website, TSH offers TSHv3.04 for download. Please read the TSH release thread for more information... Click here to read further...

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