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 | 11-17-2001 - New Breakthrough in file limit numbers in FA... Thanks to whoever created the "no CD" fix for Janes FA I can now add over 1500 additional files to the FA Futures Theaters without a problem of FA crashing on Boot. Also with the no cd the game boots much faster and runs with more stability since it does not have to access the CD for additional files that are held on the new "j" drive its creates. This means much much much more detailled items in FA Futures...
1) Exact Aircraft that are in PACAF,ROKAF, HAF, JASDF, TUAF, and KPAF, PLAAF, PLANAF, and CIS forces in the region. Skins detailled down to each and every squadron from all participants in the interactive campaign. No more generalized skins....
2) Exact ships that are in the regions, right down to number codes on the hulls, so far over 12 aircraft carriers of various types created(All the individual Tarawa and Wasp class ships assigned to PACFLT, plus the Nimitz, Connstellation, and Kitty Hawk, plus future UK carriers and the Admiral Kuznetsov) Complete task forces will now be represented in detail.
3) massive increase in vehicle numbers to represent every vehicle in the USARMY, USMC, ROKAR, KPA, PLA, and CIS forces..
Plus, so far, over 600 flyable missions in the interactive campaign... | 09-26-2001 - Another breakthrough.... Improved terrain now shows up in the target and other view window boxes. So if you are flying the new winter terrain you will now see that terrain within the target window boxes instead of the old terrain. The same with the summer version... Just a bit more "immersion" candy! CAG out....
09-17-2001 - Trying to move forward with FA Futures developments to get something good back into my life after Tuesday... 9/11
I was able to dramatically increase the size of FA Maps. I have added a large portion of the Japanese Islands and Manchuria, China and Russian areas to the Korean Map. The terrain now emcompasses all of North Korea instead of just a small area. Now all of north korea's far northeastern shore is on the map and I may be able to increase it all the way up to include Vladivostok. That would mean the entire realeastic theater of combat will be represented on this one map. The new terrain is the same highly detailed terrain that is used with the rest of the Korean Map and the shorelines are complete...
This breakthrough means that maps of nearly 512 by 512 can now be made. So the middle eastern and NATO maps for my future releases will be quite massive. Click here to read further...
07-31-2001 - VNFAWING FA Futures BETA 1A is still set for release ...
If you signed up to be a BETA tester please contact me for availability to test. Keep in mind this is not a release version and only for testing. More changes need to be made, so dont expect it to
be perfect.
Also you MUST backup your original FA.exe file before installing this Patch(Its much more then just libs) Plus FOLLOW THE COMPLETE README FILE DIRECTIONS TO GET IT TO BOOT UP. You also MUST have the Blue CD to run this Patch...
Thanks to all of you that were willing to help me out...Beta Testers click here to visit the EGroup...
06-26-2001 - All the coastline tiles have been completed for the VNFAWING korean Spring/Summer Theater. The Winter textures are still in production. This means that FA Futures Korean Theater is one step closer to completition...
| |  | 05-22-2001 - All the mountains have now been completed.The remaining "Snowcaps" need to be touched up to give the feeling of altitude. The new rivers(especially the wider Han River) are being implemented. Riverfront docks and warehouses are next to be added. All the factory scenery has been added for the larger industrial areas for fixed targeting(for both sides!). I have begun a new runway texture for the Korean War version of the map. These runways will have a brand new pierced steel planking texture that looks much more realeastic.The winter version of the New Korean Textures is also in development for the winter version of the campaign for FA Futures. This Theater will have both a summer and a winter campaign for you to choose from... Click here to read more...
 | 05-11-2001 - VNFAWING EGroup Sim Center formed for core FA Futures Development.The Egroup will contain files and a dedicated messgeboard for developers... Click here to visit the EGroup...
 | 05-11-2001 - This is a list of new Cockpits I have completed for FA Futures Korean Theater...
A-10 Pit, AH-1W Pit, AH-64 Pit, AV-8B Pit
B-1/B-2 Combo Pit, B-52 Pit
C-5/C-17 Combo Pit
CH-46/47/53 Combo Pit
EF 2000 Pit
F-4 Pit, F-5 Pit,F -14 Pit, F-15C Pit, F-15E Pit, F-16 Pit(Iron Eagle's), F-18 Pit, F-22 Pit, F-111 Pit, F-117 Pit(Iron Eagle's)
KA-50/52 Pit
Mi-8/17 Pit, Mi-24 Pit, Mi-28 Pit
MiG-17/19 F-5/6 Pit, MiG-21/F-7 Pit, MiG-23/27 Pit, MiG-25 Pit, MiG-29A Pit, MiG-29C Pit
Mirage 2000 Pit, Mirage F-1 Pit
SU-7/22 Pit, SU-25 Pit,SU-27/F-11 Pit, SU-33 Pit, SU-32/34 Pit, SU-35/37 Pit
UH-60/HH60 Pit
V-22 Pit
All these pits are highly detailed and add dramatically to the realism when used in conjunction with the new terrain and skins...
CAG out...
 | 04-03-2001 - These lib sets will require some horsepower to effectively run. My reccomended requirements(presently) are as follows....
To run correctly at MAX settings....
Best system....
600MHZ PIII(or higher)
256MB RAM(or higher)
TNT or Voodoo with 32MB RAM
Reccomended system minimum is....
Video 16mb Voodoo or TNT 16MB card
The libs WILL run on a slower machine(I have tested everything on a 166mhz P-I and a 1MB IDE video card) but it will be stuttery and very slow. These libs are designed from the start to run on the following settings...
Textures on HIGH
Textured Land ON
Best Textures ON
Object Detail on HIGH
Gaudian(sp?) Shading ON ***
Light Shading ON
*** Some of the new cracked shape colors will conflict with these settings and one of the shadings should be turned off to avoid color distortion on these shapes (Like the new F-14D). I will provide a list of these shapes with the readme files when the LIbs are released so you will be informed.
I will update this list before lib release so you will know what to expect...
CAG out....
Click here to read further
 | 04-02-2001 - 20 new skins completed for FA Futures Lib.
I have completed new skins for the following aircraft using my new triple blend coloring and cracked shapes....
(For Korean Campaign and Middle East Campaigns)
Korean Theatre
Chinese J/F-7M Fishbed
Chinese J/F-8 Finback
Chinese JH-7A (nato name unknown can someone tell me?)
Chinese J/FC-1 (nato name unknown can someone tell me?)
South Korean F-4D (new skin and cracked shape multi tone)South Korean F-4E (new skin and cracked shape multi tone)
South Korean F-5E
Japanese F-2 (new skin and cracked shape multi tone)
Middle Eastern Theatre
Iranian F-4E Phantom (new skin and cracked shape light tan)
Iranian F-5 A/E
Iranian F-14A Tomcat (new skin and cracked shape light tan)
**Totally different from FA Planes Lib skin modelled from photos with same detailing as New F-14D...
Iraqi MiG-21M Fishbed
Iraqi Mi-17 Hip
Iraqi MiG-29A
Israeli F-15I (new skin and cracked shape multi tone)
Israeli F-15-2000 Baz(new skin and cracked shape multi tone)
Jordanian F-16 (new skin and cracked shape multi tone)
Greek F-4E Phantom (new skin and cracked shape multi tone)
Greek F-16 Blk 30/50 (new skin and cracked shape multi tone)
Saudi Arabian F-15E (new skin and cracked shape multi tone)
Plus additional USAF aircraft that I will list later along with pics of the aircraft above....
Click here to read further...
02-10-2001 - FA Futures Beta 1 continues in development with work being accomplished on new detailed Korean Pensiula Terrain, new High Resolution Skins and Scenery, new weapons - Plus a whole lot more!... Updates will continue to be posted on the VNFAWING Sim Development Board... Click here to visit the Board...
 | 04-13-2001 - eTeam have posted an eFalcon 1.09 multiplayer report."Throughout the entire flight there was no lag at all! This was with five pilots running eFalcon 1.09 (and two running eFalcon 1.0799). From past rigorous multiplayer testing all the way back through 1.07, we have all agreed that this flight definitely went smoother than any previous Tactical Engagement with five pilots than any of us had flown! We also proceeded to have the host exit BEFORE the other pilots to see if a crash-to-desktop occurred as it had before almost every time -- nope! Absolute perfection!" Read it by clicking here .
03-20-2001 - Official 1.09 Cockpit:The Official eFalcon 1.09 Cockpit Team has been hard at work for the past months creating the most realistic cockpit ever for Falcon 4. We have been working closely with the rest of the eTeam to ensure complete functionality and compatibility with eFalcon 1.09. Here are a few of the great features the pit will have to offer: Fully 3D Views, All views are entirely redone and more realistic than ever, All switches for eFalcon 1.09 are functional, Complete new side panels for all new switches, And much, much more!
The release of the cockpit will coincide with the release of eFalcon 1.09 sometime in the coming months. The graphics in the pit are currently near completion, yet there is still much code to be written and that amount increases each day. In the coming weeks, the eTeam will be releasing some exclusive screenshots from the cockpit which will give the community a first true look at what they have to expect. Get it by clicking here .
03-19-2001 - I have posted the efalcon 1.09 Manual. You can grab it from the eteam site:by clicking here .
03-15-2001 - eteam have posted an article about the UFC in 109."The SCRATCHPAD is surrounded by two asterisks. Where ever you see two asterisk, you're allow to make manual input using the secondary buttons (there are a few exceptions, however). To change a value, for example a steerpoint or TACAN channel, access the T-ILS page and type in your new channel. You'll notice that the text between the asterisk will get drawn inverted with your first input. After you pushed ENTER, the input get's check for validity. If your input is valid, the system will use your new settings and "clear" the SCRATCHPAD, or, in case of wrong input, it will flash. Your input is not set until ENTR is pressed." You can read more by clicking here .
03-07-2001 - Sim News has announced that the beta 1 of the Israeli theatre for Falcon 4 available for download. You can get it by clicking here .
03-06-2001 - Snake Man from PMC- TFW has announced that the Vietnam theatre v0.4 has been released.:
Whats new in v0.4
- Working Ground Campaign
- More objects added, now even china
- All squadron airbases have been background tiled and leveled.
- Mig-21 squadrons added
- More aicrafts added, also Helicopters
- Vietnam Theater Skin pack 1965-1972
The bugs discovered in beta 4 was fixed. Download by clicking here .
03-05-2001 - Frugalsworld has posted 15 exclusive screen shots of Paul Wilsons version 7 wide view 1024 x 768 cockpit for Falcon 4. This really is an awesome cockpit which includes excellent tactical reference information and check lists. View screenshots clicking here .
| 02-25-2001 - eTeam posted the following announcement: 1.0799.1 has been released. This release only fixes the serious bugs in 1.0799. It does not contain any new features. The release fixes the following:
- Fixed ApplyDamage CTD. Engine shutdown after getting damaged caused a CTD in certain situations.
- Fixed gun-routine for AI aircraft.
- Fixed Maverick FOV
- Fixed Aim-120 DLZ timer.
- Fixed SMS weapon selection. (Not being able to select inner hardpoints in some cases).
- Changed barcap limit from 17.5 nm to 30 nm
- Additional checks to prevent CTDs. - New crashhandler. Will help us better track where crashes occur. Download by clicking here .
| 02-14-2001 - Snake Man from the PMC Tactical Fighter Wing has announced that the Vietnam Theatre beta 4 has been released. Check it out by clicking here . |   01-30-2001 - eTeam have posted some details about the multiplayer refuelling issues in Falcon 4. "Mirv and I did a couple of multiplayer refueling missions the past couple of days and were partially successful, except for one major problem. After much to-do, pepsis, curses and crashes, we finally narrowed it down to the wingman having trouble refueling, regardless if he is host or a client. The problem lies within positioning: if #2 (wingman) says he's under the tanker or in position... the player in (lead) #1 actually sees #2 as about 2000ft or so behind the tanker, and the truth is, the lead always sees the tanker in the right spot. So therefore when #2 thinks he's under the tanker, he's really not, and the tanker doesn't give you cues because you're not really within position. On the other hand, when the lead goes to refuel, he can do it successfully (if talented enough :)), so there is not really a problem there." Read more about it by clicking here .
01-27-2001 - eTeam has released the long awaited 10799 executable for Falcon 4.Read the readme by clicking here .For a detailed 1.0799 Installation Guide clicking here .Grab the files from the official site by clicking here .Grab the files from our alternate server by clicking here .
  01-23-2001 - eTeam has posted some information about HSD/Datalink in 1.09. for JSTARS:"So far the following works in 1.09. When you take off, there will be a set of SEAD targets on your HSD. These targets will shown in your HSD as you get close to them. Actually, the HSD and the HARM MFD will be merged into one. When you get closer to the target area, JSTARS will update this display every 30 seconds. If there is JSTARS flying in that area, they are looking your way, you are in range and have your datalink turned on, that is." Read more by clicking here .
01-21-2001 - The Official eTeam Site has posted an interview with Codec."- Where is focus for 1.09, and what's beyond? Most of the 1.09 effort to date has been towards realism. More like the real jet, more options and more realism. With full realism turned on, you'll have to know your checklists and your jet backwards to get the most out of it. However the growth and changes is more organic than following a set plan. We read the forums, people say "I'd really like an option where..." and maybe someone picks up the idea and runs with it." Read more by clicking here .
| | 01-18-2001 - There is a new fix that removes the craters from repaired runways. Courtesy of Talon in cooperation with Rhino of the RPG. It has been put into the F4Patch format.*Note: this fix will only work on *new* campaigns. It will not work on anything that you are currently engaged in. Click here to read additional details.
01-06-2001 - From Sim-News we get word that the Vietnam BETA 3 will be delayed."Vietnam Theater BETA 3 release DELAYED, Yes unfortunately thats the case guys... we have decided not to release the beta 3 out on public today (however I'm putting out internal Beta 3 for sure, which of course rises the quality bar of future public release)." Read more by clicking here . |
08-02-2001 - Sim-Arena has posted an interview with Matt along with some screenshots."We will have head-to-head and co-op multiplayer. I don't know about multiplayer in the campaign yet. It's just too early to tell. Now, the neat thing about LOMAC is that whereas in the case of Flanker, if you were a client, once you joined the host mission you had to create a mission within his mission; you actually had to load a mission on top of his. What's going to happen with Lock On is that when you join a host's mission you pick one of two sides to fight for. So you pick the side and sortie you want and then go to your side's separate planning screen. You can chat there and talk about your mission.."...
06-13-2001 - SSI has announced that the Final Patch for Flanker 2.0 is now availabe at the main Flanker Website. The Flanker 2.0 v2.51 patch is contained in a single zip and can be obtained on the main site page.
05-22-2001 - Gamespot take a look at Ubi Soft's next offering along with some screenshots."Featuring some classic modern warplanes like the F-15C Eagle, as well as the deviously nimble Russian SU-25 and SU-27, all the planes are accurately modelled and should perform exactly like their real-world counterparts." Read it by clicking here ...
05-01-2001 SimHQ have posted a batch of screen shots from Lock On: Modern Air Combat. Get a first look at the cockpit of the F-15C and shots of the preliminary Su-25 cockpit. Get an up close and personal look at the A-10 cockpit as well. Also get a look at ground units engaging and
some tarmac action. View Screenshots by clicking here ...
04-13-2001 - Tech Extreme has posted a review of Flanker 2.5. "Probably the biggest and most important addition that the Flanker 2.5 upgrade brings to the table is the addition of the Mig-29K multi-role fighter to the player-flyable hangar. A navalized and heavily upgraded version of the original Mig-29 interceptor, the Mig-29K is designed to fill the demanding role of strike and defense fighter for the Russian Navy. The Mig-29 can be considered the equal counterpart to the American F-16C Fighting Falcon in terms of agility and strike power."
03-22-2001 - Matt Wagner posted the following on the boards:One area we intend to take a hard look at for Lock On is the AI. While there were many great aspects of the AI associated with the Flanker series, we intend to take a great leap forward with Lock On. While we already have a very comprehensive list of AI items to address, I'm sure we'll overlook something. With that in mind, I'm going to open the floor to those that would like to voice their opinions on what they didn't like about the Flanker series AI and what they'd like to see in Lock On's. Just please remember that just because it is asked for/suggested, doesn't mean it will make in the final product. Realistically, only a small percentage of inputs will.
Matt Wagner
Ubi Soft
03-21-2001 - Matt Wagner posted the following update on the board:
Given the Ubi Soft acquisition, things have been more than a bit crazy here lately. However, I wanted to drop you all a quick note about progress.
Lock On is progressing very nicely. Some of things in place include:
-Ground vehicles move and engage. Vehicles can be made to follow roads, independently drive around obstructions, and be placed within formations of various types of vehicles. When on the move, they kick up varying amounts of dust depending on the surface. Watching armor battles is pretty darn cool.
-Ability to jump from cockpit to cockpit.
-The A-10 is just about done. The A-10 has all unique avionics systems (HUD, RWR, weapons panel, TVM, steam gauges, etc.), flight model, and sounds. Most of this is based on unclassified Dash One manuals. I can say with confidence that it will be the must authentic A-10 simulation ever done for the PC.
-F-15C is flyable and we have a really nice preliminary cockpit. The F-15C is going to be a real looker.
-We have some new flight model cheat OPTIONS for new players. These include auto-spin recovery and speed retention according to G.
-Missile padlock. See, we read your wish list items.
-Non-flyable F-4E, F-5E, and Tornado IDS. There’s an additional one the team is working on but I’m going to be evil and let you guys guess on that one.
Unfortunately, the screen shot function is not currently working. We’ve moved to DX8 only and it caused a hiccup or two. When it gets sorted out, I'll try to get some sceenies up somewhere.
Regarding 2.5, we're still moving ahead and hope to have it in your hands soon.
Matt Wagner
Ubi Soft
03-20-2001 - Dogfighter present custom cockpit enhancements for Flanker 2.x including all new Su25 / 39 Frogfoot cockpits. The cockpit add-ons have textures that in some cases are twice the original size (to increase detail) and therefore take advantage of a nVIDIA video board, preferably a 32Mb board.
The planned list of cockpit addons is as follows:
MiG29 Fulcrum enhancement.
MiG29 Fulcrum English language cockpit.
Su27 Flanker enhancement.
Su27 Flanker English language cockpit...
03-15-2001 - Furball Magazine has posted their latest "News From The Front". "Now, over to Flankerland, which is literally holding it's breath for 2.5 to come out. While Carl Norman's team sorts out the details of their teaming up with UbiSoft (weird, eh? Seems like France is taking a leader's role in the flight sim business), you can take a look at a couple of new previews, by TM FlightSim and World-At-War." ...
03-06-2001 - Furball Magazine has posted their latest "News From The Front". "Hot Item Of The Week: Flanker 2.5. We're just a couple of weeks or so until Matt Wagner and GAME Studios (hah! Got it right this time! :-) releases this eagerly awaited update, and already the previews and screenshots are beginning to pour in. Already we have two fresh previews by SimHQ and Dogfighter. Now let me just say here that I don't agree at all with Dogfighter's idea of naming their presentation a "review". The product hasn't been officially released yet, and Dave "Ham" Hamilton himself mentions in the article that "the preview version of I received is not the final 2.5 build". Not that the article itself isn't bad, it's actually a very detailed, honest and professionally-writen one. But let's not bend the rules like that again, OK Ham?"... |   03-06-2001 - Thrustmaster has posted a preview of Flanker 2.5. "With 2.5, the Flanker world expands into a MiG and Flanker world. The MiG-29K is the navy’s version of the Fulcrum, both smaller and lighter than the Sukhoi that Flankerites have grown to love. In comparison to the heavy Flanker, the MiG is an aerial sports car, more closely comparable in performance to the F16, though not quite as forgiving. Handled roughly, the pilot will quickly find himself in nasty situations. The addition of the MiG 29 also offers the possibility of dissimilar air-to-air engagements in multiplayer mode." ..
03-05-2001 - SimHQ have posted a preview of Flanker 2.5. "For me, this is a win/win as it features two of my favorite things in a flight simt -- a highly maneuverable air superiority aircraft along with naval ops. As a result, this preview might have been a lot earlier had I not spent so much time in the cockpit. The MiG-29 fits my particular flying style very well and I quickly had the feel for the aircraft and its limitations. Never having flown a real MiG-29, vouching for it's accuracy would be a bit inane. However, based upon my knowledge of other fighter aircraft and of the performance specs of the MiG-29, I feel that the flight model enhancements have improved upon an already very believable flight model. Comparing it to a well know F-16 simulation flight model that is considered very realistic, the FLANKER 2.5 MiG-29 can easily hold its own." Read the preview by clicking here .
| |   02-16-2001 - SimHQ is reporting that Flanker Attack now has a new name. The new name is now, "LOCK ON: Modern Air Combat" with quite a few new flyable aircrafts.... Click here to read further...
  02-05-2001 - The Official Flanker 2 Site posted the following announcement:
"GAME Studios / SSI and The Fighter Collection are pleased to announce the scheduled release of the Flanker 2.5 upgrade. The upgrade to Flanker 2.0 will be provided free of charge. The upgrade will be available initially for download and we hope to distribute it by other means in the weeks to come.
This download will be approximately 80 megabytes and will be available at the Flanker 2 website sometime in late February 2001. We are also investigating other opportunities to distribute the Flanker 2.5 upgrade.
Our decision to make the Flanker 2.5 upgrade available for free is based on several factors. With our recent departure from Mattel Interactive, our access to their e-commerce capabilities has ended. The infrastructure to support our own e-commerce sales unfortunately is not available at this time. Additionally, it would be uneconomical for us to attempt to put it on store shelves as it has become difficult to justify placing upgrade products on retail shelves instead of stand-alone new releases. It is doubtful that the costs of packaging and distribution would be recouped in sales. Rather than cancel it, or delay the release of the upgrade any further, we have decided to give it away.
This will be the last stage of the Flanker 2.0 series, patches included. It is time now to invest in the future and concentrate all resources in our next flight sim project, which we are very excited about and we believe most of you will be as well. We will be providing additional details on our next title in the next few weeks.
New Features In Flanker 2.5 Features added in the Flanker 2.5 upgrade include:
The player can now fly the MiG-29K. The MiG-29K is a multi-role, navalized version of the MiG-29 Fulcrum. The Fulcrum is a twin-engine fighter that is renowned for its spectacular maneuverability and deadly weapon systems.
Warships will now move and engage enemy naval units. Using the powerful mission editor, the player can create multiple navigation waypoints for any naval vessel in the game. This includes everything from a Nimitz-class aircraft carrier to a patrol boat. Many of the ships are equipped with powerful anti-ship missiles systems that are capable of sinking enemy fleets at over a hundred miles away. Additionally, the advent of moving vessels adds the unique challenge of landing a jet on a moving aircraft carrier.
Players can now aerial refuel while flying the Su-33 and MiG-29K. Perhaps one of the greatest challenges of modern combat aviation, Flanker 2.5 will allow the player to attempt the challenge of snagging the basket.
New special effects have been implemented. These include: new bomb and bullet explosions, new blast effect when armor vehicles are destroyed, new missile smoke, new water explosions, more detailed plane explosions, improved explosions when oil tanks are destroyed, and a special explosion effect for napalm.
Aircraft will now attack as a team against a single enemy aircraft. No longer will a flight of multiple aircraft attack an enemy aircraft one aircraft at a time.
Microsoft Foundation Class (MFC) Interface was implemented (Standard Windows Interface). This option allows much greater frame rates while using the mission editor and other menu screens.
Players can now land on roads.
Missions now start in a new paused mode. This removes the stuttering seen at the beginning of mission of previous versions of Flanker 2.0.
MER (Multiple Ejector Racks) and TER (Triple Ejector Racks) have been added to several non-flyable aircraft.
The Kh-65 air-to-surface missile has been added.
Flight model enhancements for both player-flyable and AI controlled aircraft are present.
Additional wingman communication options have been included.
In addition to the features listed above, a large assortment of minor enhancements and fixes have been included." ... |
09-10-2001 - An interview with Mr. Kawahito of Third Wire. "We are investing a lot of time in developing sophisticated flight model code. It’s a six degrees-of-freedom force-based model, and it uses non-linear stability derivative coefficients for the force generation. We also have a fairly complex avionics model, including variable radar cross-section and IR signature depending on aspect, so radar and other electronic gears should operate as they would in the real world. There will be options to turn various effects on and off, such as stall, center of gravity shift, drag due to external stores, damage, and more. Other than that, we have no current plan to dumb-down the high-fidelity flight model since we don’t feel it affects the game’s accessibility." Read the entire article by clicking here ...
08-08-2001 - Frugal has posted some new Screenshots of Third Wire Productions Project 1 8 of these shots are exclusive to Frugal's World of Simulations. T.K. also sent the following update:
"We now have another player flayble aircraft completed, this time F-100D Super Sabre. F-100D was the first aircraft in the USAF inventory to go supersonic in level flight, and it was also one of the first in the USAF to be equipped with a new thrust augmentation device, the afterburner. And we have, of course, implemented the afterburner effects in game. :) We also have a new ground object in game, US M48 Patton tank. We have two versions of the tank, M48A2 and M48A3. We've also added dust effect for the moving vehicles. And finally, F-104G now has a couple of new "skin" textures with more international flavors. :)" See them by clicking here and clicking here ...
05-23-2001 - Frugal has posted some new Project1 screen shots taken from the build shown at E3. There are 12 that you may have seen on other sites and 12 that are exclusive to Frugal's World. See them by clicking here and clicking here ...
05-13-2001 - AVSim have posted a update to the Project 1. I repeat it here in it's entirity: "The lead developer Tsuyoshi Kawahito is a legend among combat flight simmers. After being involved with Janes/EA's landmark simulations Longbow and Longbow 2, in 1998 he created the classic European Air War, marketed by MicroProse, a game which revolutionized Second World War flight simulations. EAW has one great asset-its code is easily cracked by third-party freeware mod-makers, much like Microsoft's Flight Simulator series. This was not lost on Kawahito, and shortly after EAW, he assembled a top-notch team of programmers and artists in a new company, Third Wire Productions. His goal: Continue what EAW, a game open-source enough to easily modify, started: gamer involvement in the design and perpetuation of new simulations. His target: the 1960s, a decade overlooked by almost all other flight sim designers. Kawahito began with 1960, and so will you, when you step into the 3-D rendered cockpit of one of the four flyable jets. The McDonnell-Douglas F-4E Phantom II and A-4 Skyhawk, the Lockheed F-104 Starfighter, and the North American Aviation F-100 Super Sabre will all be flyable in the game. TK carefully selected these aircraft with a specific goal in mind: representation of more than just the US armed forces of the era. What these four aircraft have in common is that all were exported to other nations in great numbers, with the F-4E and A-4 serving even today with nations including the Republic of Korea, Israel, and Argentina. With Project 1, Third Wire intends to open the door to user modification from the very first line of code-a revolution in combat simming. Previously attempted only by Microsoft in its Combat Flight Simulator line, TK and his team will apply that philosophy." Visit the site by clicking here ... |
03-22-2001 - Sim Arena has posted an interview with T.K. of Third Wire Productions. "TK : Our engine is dynamic in the sense that all missions are generated, not pre-scripted. We have a basic strategic Ai that decides what your next mission should be based on the current state of the campaign. All objects and their states - damage, morale, supply, and their objectives - are kept track of throughout the campaign. And both sides of the campaign try to achieve their victory conditions while trying to avoid their losing conditions."
03-19-2001 - Frugalsworld - I have posted some screen shots of Third Wire Productions project one sent by Tsuyoshi Kawahito. These show some great screenshots of the (unfinished) F-4 cockpit. Here's what TK had to say about them."We are close to finishing our first viruta cockpit (F-4E), and we also have decal system in place so each aircraft can have individual numbers, markings, and even kill marks! :) The MiG in the shots is the MiG-21F Fishbed-C, one of the earliest version of the Fishbed. It is one of the three models of 21s we are planning to model."... You can view the screenshots by Clicking here to read further...
| 03-05-2001 - Dogfighter have posted an interview with T.K. about Project 1. "TK: We are planning to keep the architecture open, and we also plan on actively supporting third-party developers in creating new planes, new maps, new campaigns, etc. Having said that, I would like to point out that this is not an excuse for selling an unfinished game; out goal is to provide a complete and fun experience right out the box. We strongly believe that just having an open architecture is not enough to get users interested in creating mods, and the initial game has to be enjoyable to make the players want to customize it." .... Click here to read further...
02-12-2001 - Project 1 Following Third Wire's announcement on Friday evening unveiling details on "Project 1", Sim Arena have secured 5 exclusive screenshots from Tsuyoshi Kawahito (T.K.), President / Creative Director of European Air War and Longbow 2 fame.... You can Click here to visit the site... |
11-12-2001 - Dusty "Redwolf" Rhodes has posted an interview with Jim "Hornit" Campisi, TSH's Project Co-ordinator at Dogfighter . Jim was also a consultant to Electronic Arts during the development of F/A-18. Here's a extract from the interview: I see some big things coming and as we get more folks with talent on board it will get easier. I envision whole new maps with correct terrain and new objects allowing battles pretty much anywhere we can generate the terrain for. Also, I envision some really nice art enhancements and refinements to the sim. I’ve got some... ahem... obligations in a few other areas soon and may hand this over to the team in the not too distant future. I hope to stay with them as a consultant, so to speak, though. Nothing concrete yet about whether I give it up or not really. Click here to read further...
06-27-2001 - SimHQ have posted an interview with Jim "Hornit" Campisi head of Team SuperHornet. "We have made good strides in several areas and we are finally working the bugs out of a 3D import/export tool that will allow the introduction of new models into the sim along with modifying existing objects. Once we get this smoothed out we will take on more challenges, such as possible campaign enhancements and some work with terrain. We have successfully imported a lot of the F-15 objects from that sim and that is pretty much finished." Click here to read further...
05-05-2001 - JayP has created a new campaign. The campaign consists of 45 missions, but can be played through to the end in only 8-11 missions. The Russian Federation is neutral at the beginning of the campaign, but can be brought into the conflict against NATO by the player's actions, mainly by shooting down their aircraft. If the player shoots down enough enemy aircraft, he or she will face a reduced threat during the invasion, unless the Russian Federation intervenes. The player will face disciplinary measures for shooting down friendly aircraft. Don't attempt a freelance mission to sink the Kuznetsov. Even if you get past the Russian defences, you wouldn't like the results... Click here to read further...
03-19-2001 - Team Superhornet have posted some in-development screenshots of an A-10 Cockpit for Janes F/A-18. Note that these are alpha screenshots and some components are place holders only (such as the flight-stick and ejection seat). The cockpit is being developed by TSH member Gary "Greb" Waltrip. Click here to read further...
03-18-2001 - Frugalsworld "I have posted some screenshots of Janes F/A-18 that I found in my F/A-18 folder while looking for something else. As I have never posted any F/A-18 screenshots and this is a very nice looking sim I thought I'd go ahead and share these with you :-)" Click here to see the screenshots...
03-13-2001 - VFA 25 have posted a mission building guide for Janes F/A-18. Here's a snippet:"The first rule of thumb is to decide beforehand what type of mission you want to build. With the mission builder you are telling a story. Why are you going to risk life and limb or face impossible odds unless there is some purpose behind it. The best missions are missions that tell a good story. The mission itself might be completely boring or not well executed, but if you have a good story line going, you will want to play anyway (at least for the first time).".. Click here to read further...
03-12-2001 - FJFS have posted a new mini campaign for Janes F/A-18. This is a mini-campaign with a normal path of about ten missions. Missions are mostly linear except for some where the debriefing results will lead to another branch in the campaign tree... Click here to read further...
  | 03-05-2001 - Team Superhornet are looking for someone to help out with 3D models. "URGENT! We need anyone experienced with 3D artwork, specifically someone who thinks they can help us crack the 3DG files in F-18.
We are looking at some seriously nice add-ons but without some very concerted effort this may never materialise. I am not talking just any 3D stuff either. I am talking about detailed and superior knowledge of 3D models and files. The 3DG files in this sim are in a proprietary format and we need help to get at them."
... Click here to read further...
01-29-2001 - JayP has posted the beta of his Karelskaya Campaign for Janes F/A-18. The scenario for this campaign is a limited war between NATO and a former Russian republic (although Karelskaya, the enemy in the game, is still part of the Russian Federation). The Russians are neutral at the beginning of the campaign, but they can be brought into the war by the player's actions...
01-23-2001 - Thrustmaster have posted a Falklands Campaign for Janes F/A-18: The Falklands Remembered is a 90+-mission campaign for Janes F/A-18E Hornet. While the simulation does not model the Falkland Islands (nor most of the aircraft present in the 1982 air battles), more than 50 significant air, sea and land battles from the 1982 campaign were reproduced using the sim's Mission Builder and linked together with the Campaign Builder. The campaign was constructed using a linear design... |
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| 01-15-2001 - New Pack for Jane's Fa 18 by Black Hole . Thanks to Black Hole for this works ! ( )
This pack is simply to use and work on all version (patched or non patched) of Fa 18.
Three versions:
- 1.0 (5 Mo)
*Texfix26 (C6)
*ckptfix10 (C6)
*Merlin's Missions (C6)
*French manuel for FA-18 (C6)
*Grafics configurations tips (in French)
*3 missions (Check Six approved by Jester et Iceman)
*Additional documentation in HTML format
- 1.1 Light (7 Mo)
*Texfix26 (C6)
*ckptfix10 (C6)
*Merlin's Missions (C6)
*French manuel for FA-18 (C6)
*Grafics configurations tips (in French)
*3 missions (Check Six approved by Jester et Iceman)
*Additional documentation in HTML format
*Palfix121 (Jane's original palette)
- 1.1 Full (18 Mo)
* All 1.1 LE tools
* Bob 'Recluse' Tullman training missions... Click here to read further...
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