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Site Update
All Website Updates have been moved to the VNFAWING Forums for announcements and permenant referrence. You can read the 2005 Website News by clicking HERE.
Just cleared up a huge problem with the forum. Seems that the IP logging file had grown to huge proportions and I had to archive it and reset the main file. Its fixed now, so visitors to forums will not suffer the page slowdowns and page can not be displayed errors once they clear their browser cache file.
Corrected errors in the logout function in the login box on the main portal page on the website. You can now logout from that page and stay on that page instead of being dumped to the forum. Also it will retain your login if you check the Auto Login box while signing in. This is for users that may want to not stay signed in to the portal after leaving the page, to remove their password from their broswers chache and clear the cookie.