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Site Update |
12-31-04 |
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All Website Updates have been moved to the VNFAWING Forums for announcements and permenant referrence. You can read the 2004 Website News by clicking HERE. |
12-27-04 |
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Corrected errors in the login box on the main portal page ont he http://vnfawing.com website. You can now login from that page and stay on that page instead of being dumped to the forum. Also it will retain your login if you check the Auto Login box while signing in. This is for users that may want to use the portal instead of the forum, to check news and forum posts and PMs and polls all from the same page.
Next I will fix the logout function so if you logout when on the forum it willtake you back to the main vnfawing.com portal page instead of staying on the forum after you logout. Hopefully this will stimulate more use of the main portal page. |
12-21-04 |
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Just cleared up a huge problem with the main website page. Seems after the recovery of the server by the hosting server they tied into the old blank index htm page instead of the index php page. So for the last few days people that have typed in http://vnfawing.com only got a blank page instead of the site. While those that typed in http://vnfawing.com/index.php got the main site page. Its fixed now, so visitors to http://vnfawing.com will see the main page again by default. |
12-11-04 |
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Added the Newest Cent's World article (volume 7) to and updated latest news fader on the main page of the vnfawing.com website. Added two new book reviews and worked more on the VNFAWING e-Store for final release later this month. The e-Store will be run though paypal so all purchases will be fully encrypted and fully secure. |
12-04-04 |
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Added a new Buy - Sell - Trade Forum for use by members to advertise if they need to buy, sell, or trade for any specific computer/gaming equipment or software, as well as VNFAWING.com to advertise Alienware High Performance gaming computers and hardware and computer software with discounts to members. Added some additional videos to the main site video pages, updated the Bandit bulletin news and completed the Sitelog Sitenews Archives back to 1998. |
11-30-04 |
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Added a seperate Experimental Aircraft Archive for Data and Research Archive for experimential aircraft. Since FAF Test Center Library will have every experimental aircraft ever flown, I felt we needed this archive for data research and development for future FAF testing theaters in the Western USA.
11-21-04 |
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VNFAWING.com has entered the e-commerce era! I have added a paypal account to the website for...
1) Book purchases
2) Software purchases
3) Gaming peripherial purchases
(Soon to be followed by a VNFAWING specific clothing line and cloth patch sets, plus special software releases for VNFAWING.com members!) and a Contribution link for voluntary contributions to aid in running and maintaining the site and forums. Simply click on the PayPal button on any page and you will be taken to the contributions page... any amount is welcome! Plus VNFAWING now earns income from any purchases of edimensional products purchased through the active advertisement links on the main page.If you are interested in any of these items, then visit the main page and click through the links, there is currently a 10% rebate to VNFAWING.com members on any purchases!
11-20-04 |
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Added a message length checker to forum posting page. Right now its continuing to undergo testing. I have it set for 53215K characters max. An example of the link is below...
[check message length]
Use the link to test the length of your messages to avoid exceeding the limit and losing parts of your posts. It is located jsut below the posting window where you enter your message. I picked 53215K as the limit by using one of Gunsmoke's longer posts, but it may allow more then that, and I will do some futher testing to determine it. It will tell you how many characters your post is and how many characters you have remaining for a successful post. It will also inform you if you are over the limit. |
11-17-04 |
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Added a Random Video player to all the video pages in place screenshot slideshow, so whenever you enter or refresh any of the Video Gallery Pages on the main website, you automatically see a new video in the tip right hand corrner of the right side navigation bar.The videos are all small and should not impact bandwidth. It doesnt preload the other videos like it does the slide show, so it may actually be the same speed as previously or even a faster page load. |
11-15-04 |
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I have figured out how to make the News Ticker hot clickable! This means that each dated News Item is hot linked to the appropiate Forum Post and is fully clickable to go directly to that post. If you see a news item you are interested in, simply click on the News Ticker while that News Item is displayed and you will be taken directly to that Forum Post! However this only works with the dated News Items. Undated News Items are NOT LINKED. |
11-11-04 |
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Updated the main page with news on 4 of the main sims we support. Updated the Current News section and updated the 2004 Bandit Bulletin Archive. Posted news about the two new offshoot sims. The first "Wings over Vietnam" which is a naval air combat based offshoot from Strike Fighters Project 1 and Lomac Flaming Cliffs SU-25T sim offshoot from Lomac LOCKON. Added updates on the current level of development for Falcon 4. Added updates on the current level of development for FAF. |
11-05-04 |
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Added security to the Forum membership list, Usergroup list and Search functions to help protect user data from misuse. I also removed the portal example from the Forum to keep outside users from cirvumventing perimeter security by using the example page instead of the forum page to access posts. |
10-30-04 |
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Added additional forums to the archive sections of the messageboards! The Data Archive is growing in substance and capabilites to rival any other on the net. The Website News Sitelog implementation is going well. New audio files have been added to give the users a choice of different sound tracks to play per page. Many include actual combat audio from engagements and Combat Search and Rescue. |
10-26-04 |
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Added many new categories and forums to the messageboards! Multiple development is taking place from many of the online users. The Beta Testers are now responding much faster with the new News Ticker LED I added to the Forum header for urgent posts that must be responded to. I have also installed well over 25 hacks to the original forum to improve the experience for all forum visitors! |
10-10-04 |
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Portal interface is now complete! Users can access forum posts, private messages, and user data from the main page! forum Login and Search funtions are now fully supported for remote access ands data search. All completed and debugged. The main default page for the server is now php instead of the old format html and running reliably. |
10-01-04 |
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VNFAWING.com has successfully migrated to a new hosting service today!(10/1/04). www.GISOL.com is the now the new hosting service for VNFAWING.com. Their servers are reliable and affordable. The VNFAWING Forums are back up and all downloads are again available and with no dataloss! |
09-27-04 |
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I have found a new host service that offers much more capabilites then the current host could ever dream of porviding. I also have found new empolyment so as to avoid work problems with the old host(my soon to be x-employer, yeah!). The site migration should roughly take a week, before the forums and site are reactivated, I am hopeful of doing this with no dataloss and I have made multiple backups. |
09-18-04 |
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CAG's Corner Volume 4 Articles published to the site today(Sep 18, 2004). You can gain access by clicking on the Links in the main menu to the left under the Web Articles Section. Check back weekly for further Website Updates. |
09-05-04 |
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Cent's World Volume 6 Articles published to the site today(Sep 5, 2004). You can gain access by clicking on the Links in the main menu to the left under the Web Articles Section. Check back weekly for further Website Updates. |
08-25-04 |
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Website Updated! August 25, 2004. The Main Page has been improved! Most Recent Forum Topics Activated. Forum Remote Login Form Activated. Monthly Newsletter Registration Activated.
Webportal to the Forum is now 90% Complete. |
08-21-04 |
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VNFAWING.com Website Updated! August 21, 2004. The Main Page has been improved!, New Articles added!, Article dates added!, New Links!, Combat Camera Image Page opened! Downloads again available! Webportal to the Forum will hopefully be available as of September 1st, 2004 |
08-12-04 |
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VNFAWING Forum activated as of August 12th, 2004. Use the Forum link in the Main menu to the left. The Forum is for all users and developers of FAF/FA-2. FAF Beta Testers Register Today! |
08-10-04 |
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Four new Articles added as of August 10, 2004. Links provided in the Web Articles and Site Map sections. Check back weekly for future articles. |
08-09-04 |
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Migration work to the new server has been completed, due to extreme lazyness of the host service my employer controls, it took nearly three months to do what should have taken a week! I am actively seraching for a new host service and nore a new employer so I can provide a more reliable service to my users. Wark was begun on May 24th, 2004 and completed on August 9th, 2004. |
05-24-04 |
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VNFAWING.com Website began undergoing a major migration to a new MYSQL compatible server at our host (my current employer)on May 24th, 2004 to support the forum and full user functionality. The new host will support the necessary php coding to implement the forum, portal, and user interface. The duration of the migration is unknown, as the host does not yet have the new hardware installed to support the services (you have to accept some limitations when the site is provided by your employer). |
04-27-04 |
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The Poll is now fully functional! Vote for your favorite Flight Simulator! The View Stats is also fully activated!. Enjoy! Expect new Polls on the site monthly! |
04-02-04 |
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VNFAWING Website Site Map now active! You can now reach any page on the site by clicking on the Site Map button in the main menu and choosing from the available links. Expect many additional links added to the Site Map in the future |
03-12-04 |
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Tank_77th has released a new Tank's Turret Volume 2 Article today(Mar 12th)on creating Videos in Janes FA, specificially in FA Futures. You can gain access by clicking on the Links in the main menu under the Web Articles Section.Check back weekly for new Website Updates. |
03-01-04 |
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VNFAWING.com is happy to announce the winners of the FAF Korea Summer Screenshots competition today! The contest will ran from January 1st to February 15th and the winners were announed today, March 1st, 2004. Click here for Rules & Prizes. |
02-23-04 |
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Added an additional 30 Videos to the Video Galleries as of February 23rd, 2004. New Videos for FA Futures, Falcon 4.0, Combat, and Aircraft sections. |
01-07-04 |
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VNFAWING.com hosting the latest FAF Korea 2003 Summer Libraries for download. Response has been heavy and the bandwidth usage at the site has shown a marked increase. FAF Libraries are now used in over 40 different countries and has been downloaded over 1000 times. |
01-01-04 |
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New Year resolution in place for VNFAWING to have the Forum, Portal, and User interface installed and running before the end of 2004. New services target release date is by July 1st, 2004. This will require a site rebuild in php and extensive new knowledge on its use and implementation. |